Sunday, May 6, 2012

Perseverance during a slow process

 This week I worked on a lot of pieces that required surface embroidery...a lot of surface embroidery, in a butt in chair get to work sort of way......

work in progress for a looong time
 My design process involves a lot of preparation at the beginning. I have a little glimmer of an idea and fool around with some sketches, or I might pick up a little shell, or pebble, or pod on a walk. I generally start by sculpting or casting it in multiples. Then the fun part  begins... I  choose colors, dye the  wool, and silk, choose threads, beads and techniques....such energy and excitement for a week or two and then.....well here is one of my favorite art quotes

Artmaking involves skills that can be learned....In large measure, becoming an artist consists of learning to accept yourself, which makes your work personal, and in following your own voice, which makes your work distinctive. Clearly, these qualities can be nurtured by others. But even talent is rarely distinguishable, over the long run, from perseverance and lots of hard work."         - David Bayles 

New Work Waiting to be Embroidered

 hmm... hard work sounds a lot like hand work...coincidence?
see more of my art at DeborahJohnsonArt,com

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